Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | JDBC Driver Specific Properties | Sybase | Limitations
Adapter IS Operating System/
Platform Affected
Limitation Description
jCONNECT 5.5 and 6.05 Type 4
Sybase 11.x, 12.x, and 15.x
A Sybase column using a BIT data type does not allow NULL values due to driver behavior. This means that if you insert a NULL or ? (variable) value when you run an InsertSQL service, the driver converts this column value to false and inserts the NULL value for the column into the database.
jConnect for 7.0 Type 4
Sybase 15.7
This driver does not support XA_TRANSACTION connections.
jConnect for 7.0 Type 4
Sybase 16.x
This driver does not support:
1. Services: StoredProcedure, StoredProcedureWithSignature.
2. Notifications: InsertNotifications, UpdateNotifications, DeleteNotifications, StoredProcedureNotifications, StoredProcedureNotificationsWithSignature, and OrderedNotifications
All driver types
All Sybase versions
The TEXT, IMAGE, and UNITEXT data types are not supported for all types of adapter notifications in Sybase.