Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Configuring CustomSQL Services | Considerations before using Fill in all rows to the table feature in CustomSQL Adapter Service
Considerations before using Fill in all rows to the table feature in CustomSQL Adapter Service
Before you begin, ensure that the connection to the database is enabled. Also ensure that the Input/Output tab in the Designer is empty. The following table describes the restrictions when creating an SQL query statement using Fill in all rows to the table feature in CustomSQL Adapter Service:
Invalid Query input
Valid Query input
Specify the table alias along with the table name if the SQL query contains more than one table.
select deptno, empno from
dept,emp deptno
select d.deptno, e.empno
from dept d,emp e where
d.deptno = ?
Use different column name alias for columns in the SQL query.
select firstname as name,
lastname as name from emp
select name,name from emp
select firstname as f_name,
lastname as l_name from emp
select name as name1,name as
name2 from emp
For Sybase databases, specify an alias for the column result if you are using functions on an output column.
select e.deptno, count(e.job)
from employees e group by
select e.deptno, count(e.job)
as count from employees e
group by e.deptno
Column names in the SQL query should not be enclosed in quotes.
select partno as 'partno' from
emp where partno = 1
select partno as partno from
emp where partno=1
Use the “as” keyword when you specify an alias for a column.
select city dummy from emp
select city as dummy from emp
Irrespective of the database type, the query syntax must follow the SQL standards. Standards corresponding to specific database types are not supported.
For MySQL query,
insert into example_default_now
set id=?,data=?
For MySQL query,
insert into example_default_now
[(set,data)] values (?,?)
If your SQL query has errors or does not follow the considerations specified in the above table, the Fill in all rows to the table icon does not populate the input and output parameters. Then the input and output parameters must be configured manually. You can view the error message by clicking the Reload values from adapter icon.