Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Configuring DynamicSQL Services | Using Input and Output Parameters
Using Input and Output Parameters
You must specify the input and output parameters of the DynamicSQL service at design time. When you configure the service, the input fields you configure will contain the input for the SQL statement. The output fields you configure will contain the results from the result set. Be sure that the input and output fields correctly match those of the SQL statement. If there is any mismatch, the service will generate an exception at run time.
When using the DynamicSQL service for a Select SQL, it is not mandatory to configure the output fields Output JDBC Type, Output Field Type, and Output Field. Adapter for JDBC uses the fields provided in the Select SQL statement as the output parameter fields.