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Transaction Management of Adapter Connections
Adapter for JDBC connections support the following transaction types:
Transaction Type
The connection provides no transaction control over the operations being performed. That is, the connection automatically commits (Auto Commit) all operations.
With this transaction type, all of the operations on the same connection in one transaction boundary are committed or rolled back together. A transaction boundary means the scope of the transaction, from the beginning to the end of a transaction. It can be in one adapter service, one flow service, one Java service, or several steps in a flow service.
This transaction type allows the connection to support two-phase transactions executed across multiple databases. In one transaction boundary, all of the operations on multiple connections are committed or rolled back together. A transaction boundary means the scope of the transaction, from the beginning to the end of a transaction. It can be in one adapter service, one flow service, one Java service, or several steps in a flow service.
All of the connections involved in a two-phase transaction must support the XA_TRANSACTION transaction type.
Insert Notifications, Update Notifications, Delete Notifications, and Ordered Notifications support LOCAL_TRANSACTION mode only.
When you define a connection, the transaction type that you choose determines the type of transaction management that the connection's operations use implicitly. Implicit transactions, which include the transaction types in the preceding table, are managed by the Integration Server transaction manager.
You can also explicitly manage transactions using built-in services. For information about, and examples of, explicitly managing transactions, see Transaction Management Overview.