Adapter for JDBC 10.3 | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Documentation | webMethods Adapter for JDBC Installation and User’s Documentation | Data Type Configuration | Overview of Data Type Configuration
Overview of Data Type Configuration
webMethods Adapter for JDBC allows you to dynamically configure the data type mapping for a particular database in an XML configuration file. The adapter provides the following data type mapping files in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmJDBC Adapter\config directory:
*a default data type mapping configuration file named TypeMapping.xml
*an XML schema file named TypeMapping.xsd
*a database-specific data type mapping configuration file for each supported backend, for example OracleTypeMapping.xml
Each column in a database table is assigned an SQL type. The JDBC driver then maps each SQL data type to a JDBC data type. The adapter in turn maps each JDBC data type to one or more Java data types that are used as the input or output of adapter services and notifications.
For more information on JDBC data type to Java data type mappings, see JDBC Data Type to Java Data Type Mappings.
Based on the XML configuration, Adapter for JDBC selects the exact JDBC type applicable for a particular table column in the database. The adapter service or notification template shows the corresponding Java data types that are mapped to the JDBC data type in the XML configuration file.
In rare cases, you might need to modify the database-specific configuration file, if you need custom processing of a data type. For more information on custom processing of a data type, see Customize data type configuration. If the modified file fails validation, Adapter for JDBC ignores the file, and the adapter connections to the database do not work.
The native SQL data types returned by the JDBC driver that are not part of the predefined JDBC data types must be configured as extended data types in the database-specific configuration file.