Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans 6.5 SP3 | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Installation and User’s Documentation | Scenarios | Running a Single Method on a Single Bean | Steps
1. Using Designer, create a flow that calls the CreateInvokeEJB 2.1 or the FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 adapter service instance.
2. Execute the flow and enter the appropriate method inputs when prompted.
3. Observe the results in the service's output:
*A successful status for the create or fetch service invocation
*A successful status for the bean method invocation
*The results of the method invocation
4. For information about the CreateInvokeEJB 2.1 adapter service, see CreateInvokeEJB 2.1 Adapter Service. For information about the FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 adapter service, see FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 Adapter Service.