Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans 6.5 SP3 | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview of webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans | Adapter Connections
Adapter Connections
Adapter Connection Templates
Connection Pools
Built-In Services For Connections
Transaction Management of Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans Connections
Changing the Connection Associated with an Adapter Service at Design Time
Changing the Connection Associated with an Adapter Service at Run Time
EJB Transaction Management
JNDI Properties File
Security Considerations
EJB Information Caching
An adapter connection enables an Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans service to connect to a supported application server's JNDI service to discover and obtain remote references to EJBs deployed on that server.
The adapter supports three types of adapter connections: those that support local, single-phase commit transactions (EJB Local Connection); those that support distributed, two-phase commit (XA) transactions (EJB XA Connection); and those that are non-transacted (EJB Non-transactional Connection). Transacted connections are managed by Integration Server's built-in transaction manager. For more information about the transaction types, see Transaction Management of Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans Connections.
You configure one or more connections at design time to use in integrations. The number of connections you configure and the types of those connections depend on the nature of the specific EJBs you want to interact with and your integration needs. For example:
*Suppose you need to create an integration that will invoke a method on an EJB that returns the total number of hits on a Web site. Because this is essentially a read-only operation, you should configure a non-transacted connection to use with this EJB method. (It would not make sense to incur the additional overhead imposed by using either of the transacted connection types.)
*Or you may need to interact with an EJB that maintains session state information on the server. A shopping cart is a good example of such an EJB. In this case, you should use one of the transacted connection types so that if any single method call on the EJB fails, all previous method calls will be automatically rolled-back. (This example assumes that the EJB is configured to support client-initiated transactions.)
When you configure an adapter connection, you specify parameters (such as the connection type, the connection's name and location, the location of the JNDI properties file, and a JNDI username and password, and a caching level) that Integration Server uses to manage connections to the application server. You configure connections using Integration Server Administrator. You must have webMethods administrator privileges to access Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans's administrative screens.
For instructions for configuring, viewing, editing, enabling, and disabling Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans connections, see Adapter Connections. For information about setting user privileges, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for your release.
For a list of tasks that you must do before you can create your connections, see Before Configuring or Managing Adapter Connections.