Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans 6.5 SP3 | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview of webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans | Adapter Services | FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 Adapter Service | Run-Time Processing for a FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 Service
Run-Time Processing for a FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 Service
At run time, a FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 service instance requires any parameter values the bean methods require for inputs. Its output is the output of the remote bean method itself, if any. The adapter service wraps the bean's output in an array in case multiple objects are returned.
An Integration Server client runs a flow service or Java service on Integration Server.
The flow or Java service invokes a FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 adapter service on Integration Server.
You configured the adapter service earlier using Designer.
The FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 adapter service gets a connection from the service's connection pool.
You created and enabled the adapter connection earlier using Integration Server Administrator.
Through its connection, the FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 adapter service accesses the application server's JNDI to look up the EJBRemote interface of the EJB for which the service was configured.
The FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 adapter service fetches the configured EJBObjects associated with the JNDI Name configure on the application server.
If the operation is successful, the adapter service returns an array of javax.ejb.Handle instances that represent the remote EJBs.
If the operation is unsuccessful, the adapter service returns an AdapterException or AdapterConnectionException. For more information about how the adapter handles exceptions, see Adapter Logging and Exception Handling.
Using the handles obtained in the previous step, the FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 adapter service invokes the configured EJBObject method on the application server. If the method takes any parameters, the values are extracted from the pipeline and passed to the remote method.
If the operation is successful, the adapter service returns the method's output, if any.
If the operation is unsuccessful, the adapter service returns an AdapterException or AdapterConnectionException. For more information about how the adapter handles exceptions, see Adapter Logging and Exception Handling.
The FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 adapter service puts the output of the remote method invocation and the status on the pipeline.
The FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 adapter service has completed its processing for session EJBs, it calls the EJB-standard remove() method on each EJB object obtained in step 5.