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Specifying the config.xml File for Adapter Services
The config.xml file has two sets of elements:
*Application level elements comprising ejbConfig, appServer, restrictedJNDINames, jndiTreeSearchOptions, and jndiContexts.
*EJB level elements comprising jndiNames and ejbClientJars.
For 2.1 adapter services, both the application level and EJB level elements are optional. For 3.0 adapter services, the application level elements are optional, whereas the EJB level elements are mandatory. Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans cannot work with the 3.0 adapter services if neither of the EJB level elements are specified.
The elements that are available in config.xml are:
This element is the root element of the config.xml file and contains only the application server elements.
This element is specific to every instance of the application server, and is used to customize the application server configuration for Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans. Specify a value of "*" for providerURL to use the default instance of the application server.
To list multiple instances of application servers, specify the configuration of the sub-elements listed below within the <appserver>... </appserver> XML tag. Specify the JNDI provider URL of the application server as a value for providerURL for every element of <appServer>.
Contains the list of JNDI names that are to be avoided when traversing through the JNDI tree.
Update this list with objects that are not accessible to the different application servers or different versions of the same application server.
The structure of this element is:
Defines the options for searching the JNDI tree. The options available are <contextSearch> and <nameSearch>.
If the <contextSearch> option is set to true, the application server searches the JNDI tree based on the contexts that are specified in the <jndiContexts> sub-element.
If the <nameSearch> option is set to true, the application server searches the JNDI tree based on the jar files names specified in the <ejbClientJars> sub-element.
Both the options, <contextSearch> and <nameSearch>, for any instance of the application server, can be set to true to search on both context and jar file name. If both the options are set to false, the application server traverses through the entire JNDI tree.
In the <jndiTreeSearchOptions>, if the <contextSearch> option is set to true, specify a list of JNDI context elements, based on the contexts to be searched. Each JNDI context is represented in the format of the JNDI tree.
Required for 3.0 adapter services. In the <jndiTreeSearchOptions>, if the <nameSearch> option is set to true, specify a list of <jndiName> elements, based on the <jndiNames> to be searched. The <jndiName> is represented in the format of the JNDI tree.
Required for 3.0 adapter services. Specify the jar files to be executed by the adapter services. The value of each <jarFileName> element must be either the absolute path of the jar file or the name of the jar file, only if the jar file is available at \\WmEJBAdapter\code\jars.
The following is an example of the format entries in a config.xl file:
<appServer providerURL="*">


