Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans 6.5 SP3 | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview of webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans | Adapter Services | Services and Transaction Management
Services and Transaction Management
Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans is designed to interact with Integration Server's built-in transaction manager. When designing and implementing transactions, and especially distributed transactions, you must not only be familiar with the capabilities of the built-in transaction manager, but also with those of the application server in general, as well as the particular EJBs involved. For example, configuring an adapter service in the following scenarios will cause the adapter to generate an error at runtime:
*Configuring an adapter service to use an EJB that has the Mandatory transaction attribute value against a non-transactional connection.
*Configuring an adapter service to use an EJB that has the Never transaction attribute value against a local or XA connection.
*Calling the RemoveEJB service against a stateful session EJB deployed on WebSphere or WebLogic within a transaction. See Removing EJBs for more information about the RemoveEJB service.
The EJB standard does not provide a way for a client to determine the transaction attributes of an EJB, so these situations cannot be detected when configuring an adapter service. For more information about transaction management, see Transaction Management of Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans Connections. For information about transaction attributes, see EJB Transaction Management.