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Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans Support for Multiple Application Servers
The details about Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans support for multiple application servers are as follows:
*Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans supports multiple instances of the same version of the application server.
For multiple instances of the same version of WebLogic application server, you must use JAAS authentication. For more information about using JAAS authentication for WebLogic servers, see JAAS Authentication.
*Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans supports two different versions of the same application server provided the jar files of the latest version are backward compatible and support the connections of the earlier version, but there can always be a risk of conflict.
*Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans does not support two different application servers at a time. This is because Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans requires you to copy jar files from the application server directory to the Integration Server directory. If you copy the jar files from different application servers to the Integration Server directory, there can be a conflict of jar files of one application server with those of other application servers.