Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans 6.5 SP3 | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Installation and User’s Documentation | Application Server Configuration Notes | WebSphere Server | Connection Properties
Connection Properties
The content of the Java properties file required to create adapter connections is similar for all supported WebSphere versions. At a minimum, Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans requires that the standard java.naming.factory.initial and java.naming.provider.url properties be set as specified in Required Properties and Values.
Depending upon the security configuration of the JNDI server, additional properties (for example, may also be defined in this file. In addition to these standard JNDI property definitions, WebSphere itself recognizes the following properties that are relevant to client applications:
* = file:path-to-sas.client.props
See JNDI Authentication for a discussion of how this property affects JNDI authentication.
* = none
By default, WebSphere caches connections to the JNDI server. However, the application server will attempt to re-use these connections even after connectivity between the client and WebSphere has been disrupted. In this case, you must restart the client JVM (that is, Integration Server). To ensure that WebSphere does not attempt to re-use potentially stale connections when interacting with JNDI, we recommend that you specify the cacheobject property in the JNDI properties file that is used by your adapter connections.
*java.util.logging.manager = and java.util.logging.configureByServer = true
For WebSphere Application Server (WAS) 6.0 clients, these two properties can be specified in the JNDI properties file that is used by your adapter connections. When specified, these properties eliminate logging of various javaAccessorNotSet and jndiGetObjInstNoop exceptions to the Integration Server console.