Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans 6.5 SP3 | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Services | Configuring FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 Services
Configuring FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 Services
A FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 adapter service combines the functionality of a FetchEJB 3.0 service and an InvokeEJB 3.0 service, enabling you to create one or more instances of a single EJB class and then invoke a single method on those instances. Additionally, a FetchEJB 3.0 service automatically calls the EJB-standard remove() method to release each session EJB instance. For more information about the template used to create these services, see FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 Adapter Service. For more information about adapter services, see . For more information about the RemoveEJB service, see Removing EJBs.
*To configure a FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 service
1. Review the steps in Before Configuring or Managing Adapter Services.
2. Start Designer.
Make sure the server with which you want to use Designer is running.
3. Right-click the package in which the service should be contained and select New > Adapter Service.
4. Select the parent namespace and type a name for the adapter service. Click Next.
5. Select Adapter for EJB as the adapter type and click Next.
6. Select the appropriate Adapter Connection Name and click Next.
7. From the list of available templates, select the FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 template and click Finish.
8. In the adapter service editor, select the FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 tab and specify the following values:
EJB Lookup Name
Lists the JNDI lookup names of all available 3.0 EJBs on the application server. The selected JNDI name determines the EJB to be fetched. At runtime, the service uses this name to look up the EJBRemote object. The EJBs are listed alphabetically. By default, the first EJB in the list is initially selected.
EJB Remote Method
Lists the available finder method for the selected EJB lookup name. The method selected will be executed by the service. The methods exposed by the EJB are listed alphabetically. By default, the first method in this list is initially selected.
*If the method has parameters, they appear in the parameter list. For each parameter, the default parameter name and the corresponding Java class type are shown in the first two columns of the parameter list. You may override a parameter's default name by entering a new name in the Override Parameter Name column. The value that appears in this column for a parameter is the value that appears in the configured method's input signature at runtime.
*If the method takes no parameters, the parameter list is empty.
Return Type
Lists the remote EJB method's Java return type for the selected EJB lookup name. This value is read-only.
Expand Collections?
Allows you to specify the format of the output of the remote method.
When selected, only the elements in the collection are returned as output. When cleared, the collection itself is returned as output.
By default, this option is selected.
Allow Null Return Value?
Allows Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans to return a null value when the EJB method has a non-void return type.
When selected, Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans does not throw any exception if the EJB method returns a null value, and returns an object array with no elements in it. When cleared, Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans throws an exception if the EJB method returns a null value.
By default, this option is cleared.
9. You can select the Adapter Settings tab at any time to confirm adapter properties such as adapter type, connection name, and service template, as needed.
10. The Input/Output tab lists the input and output parameters for methods. If the fetch method has parameters, their names and types appear under the EJBObject_Args document. Similarly, if the bean method has parameters, their names and types appear under the EJBObject_Args document. If the service is subsequently used in a flow, its input and output signature will be visible in the flow editor.
For additional information about using the Input/Output tab, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
11. Select File > Save.
12. To test the service directly from Designer, see Testing Adapter Services.