Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans 6.5 SP3 | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Enterprise JavaBeans Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Logging and Exception Handling | Adapter for Enterprise Javabeans Error Messages | Adapter Error Codes
Adapter Error Codes
Error Code
 In service {0}: Pipeline is empty
Explanation:  The content of the IData pipeline sent to the testEJBToWebm sample service is null.
Action:  Ensure that the client from which you are invoking testEJBToWebm is sending an IData instance that conforms to this service's input signature. Specifically, it should contain a single String field named "inVal".
 In service {0}: Failed to cast object in pipeline to expected type
Explanation:  The value sent to the testEJBToWebm sample service is not a java.lang.String.
Action:  Ensure that the client from which you are invoking testEJBToWebm is sending an IData instance that conforms to this service's input signature. Specifically, it should contain a single String field named "inVal".
 Caught exception attempting to create WmManagedConnection for server type: {0}
Explanation:  An unexpected exception occurred attempting to create an instance of a connection of the indicated type.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 JNDI properties file is null
Explanation:  User must enter a path to a text file containing the relevant JNDI properties.
Action:  Ensure that the Properties File Name parameter on the Connection Types screen contains the path to a valid JNDI properties file.
 Failed to locate JNDI properties file: {0}
Explanation:  While attempting to enable a connection, the adapter could not read the specified JNDI properties file.
Action:  Ensure that the Properties File Name parameter on the Connection Types screen contains the path to a valid JNDI properties file. Also ensure that the file can be read by the adapter at that path.
 Failed to load JNDI properties file: {0}
Explanation:  The contents of the specified JNDI properties file do not support the java.util.Properties standard.
Action:  Ensure that the contents of the specified file support the java.util.Properties standard.
 Failed to instantiate XAResource from {0}
Explanation:  The adapter failed to obtain an instance of XAResource from the application server using the specified string.
Action:  Ensure that the string in the XAResource Source parameter on the Connection Types screen conforms to the application server vendor's requirements for obtaining an XAResource instance.
 Failed to get InitialContext
Explanation:  The adapter failed to create an InitialContext for the configured application server.
Action:  Ensure that the application server and its JNDI implementation are running and can be reached over the network. Ensure that the necessary client-side jar files for this back-end are installed under the WmEJBAdapter/code/jars directory. Also ensure that the contents of the specified JNDI properties file are correct.
 Failed to lookup UserTransaction object: {0}
Explanation:  The adapter failed to obtain the specified UserTransaction instance from the back-end.
Action:  Ensure that the indicated UserTransaction lookup name is exposed in the application server's JNDI implementation and that it is accessible to the adapter.
 Failed to locate any supported connection classes for this factory: {0}
Explanation:  The indicated connection factory class could not find any implementor classes for this type of connection.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Failed to release InitialContext
Explanation:  An error occurred closing the InitialContext.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Failed to create EJBDescriptor for: {0} reason: {1}
Explanation:  An unexpected problem occurred introspecting an individual EJB. This error might occur if the EJB does not expose public methods, its home or remote interface class is null, or it is in some other way corrupt.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured and deployed correctly on the application server.
 Failed to lookup bean: {0}
Explanation:  The adapter failed to look up the specified EJB on the application server.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured and deployed correctly on the application server.
 Failed to cast {0} to EJBHome
Explanation:  The adapter could not type cast the specified EJB remote home to a javax.ejb.EJBHome instance.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Failed to get NameParser for this context
Explanation:  The adapter failed to obtain the javax.naming.NameParser instance from the current InitialContext.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Failed to parse context name: {0}
Explanation:  The connection failed to parse the specified root JNDI context.
Action:  Ensure that the adapter has access to JNDI and is authorized to read the specified context.
 Failed to list contents of context: {0}
Explanation:  The connection failed to list the JNDI bindings at the specified context.
Action:  Ensure that the adapter has access to JNDI and is authorized to read the specified context.
 Failed to enumerate item in context: {0}, reason: {1}
Explanation:  The connection could not isolate a binding in the specified JNDI context.
Action:  Ensure that the adapter has access to JNDI and is authorized to read the specified context.
 Nested exception is {0}- {1}
Explanation:  An unexpected error has occurred while traversing the bindings in the application server's JNDI implementation.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Failed to lookup object bound at {0}: {1}
Explanation:  The connection was unable to look up the specified object in the application server's JNDI implementation.
Action:  For certain types of objects deployed in some JNDI servers, this error may not be unexpected and can be safely ignored. If the specified object is an EJB, ensure that it is configured/deployed properly on the application server and is accessible to the adapter.
 Object bound at {0} is null
Explanation:  The object bound at the specified location in JNDI is null.
Action:  For certain types of objects deployed in some JNDI servers, this error may not be unexpected and can be safely ignored. If the specified object is an EJB, ensure that it is configured/deployed properly on the application server and is accessible to the adapter.
 Failed to retrieve metadata for EJB bound at: {0}
Explanation:  The adapter failed to obtain the EJB metadata for the specified EJB. This error could occur if the application server implements EJB 1.0 only. Adapter for EJB is not backwardly compatible with EJB 1.0 beans.
Action:  Upgrade to EJB 1.1 or greater.
 Call to EJBHome.getEJBMetaData() failed for {0}: {1}
Explanation:  An exception occurred while invoking the indicated method on the specified EJB.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured and deployed correctly on the application server.
 Failed to get EJBHome interface class object for {0}: {1}
Explanation:  An exception occurred while attempting to get the remote home class object for the specified EJB.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured and deployed correctly on the application server.
 Failed to get remote interface class object for {0}: {1}
Explanation:  An exception occurred while attempting to get the remote bean class object for the specified EJB.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured and deployed correctly on the application server.
 Failed to determine bean type for {0}: {1}
Explanation:  An exception occurred while attempting to determine whether the specified EJB is a session bean or an entity bean.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured and deployed correctly on the application server.
 Failed to determine session bean type for {0}: {1}
Explanation:  An exception occurred while attempting to determine whether the specified session EJB is stateless or stateful. This error could occur if the application server implements EJB 1.0 only. Adapter for EJB is not backwardly-compatible with EJB 1.0 beans.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured and deployed correctly on the application server. Upgrade to EJB 1.1 or greater.
 Failed to downcast EJB {0} of type {1} to javax.ejb.EJBHome, reason: {2}
Explanation:  An attempt to type cast an EJB from the specified class to javax.ejb.EJBHome has failed.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured and deployed correctly on the application server.
 Unexpected exception registering resource domains in: {0}
Explanation:  An unexpected exception occurred registering resource domain names for the given connection class.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Unexpected exception looking-up resource domain: {0}
Explanation:  An unexpected exception occurred performing a resource lookup on the specified resource domain.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Unexpected exception checking values in resource domain: {0}
Explanation:  An unexpected error occurred while validating the value(s) assigned to the specified resource domain.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Failed to obtain WmEJBConnectionFactory object from parent
Explanation:  The WmEJBConnection instance could not determine the factory object that created it.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Failed to lookup EJBHome: {0}
Explanation:  The adapter service failed to look up the remote home object for the specified EJB.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured and deployed correctly on the application server.
 Failed to begin local transaction
Explanation:  An unexpected error occurred while trying to begin a local transaction. Note that certain EJB configurations (for example, those with the Never attribute set) cannot participate in a transaction.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured to run in a transaction. For more information, see the sections “EJB Transaction Management” and “Services and Transaction Management” in the Overview chapter of the Adapter for EJB installation and user's guide.
 Failed to commit local transaction
Explanation:  An unexpected error occurred while trying to commit a local transaction. Note that certain EJB configurations (for example, those with the Never attribute set) cannot participate in a transaction.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured to run in a transaction. For more information, see the sections “EJB Transaction Management” and “Services and Transaction Management” in the Overview chapter of the Adapter for EJB installation and user's guide.
 Failed to rollback local transaction
Explanation:  An unexpected error occurred while trying to roll back a local transaction. Note: Certain EJB configurations (for example, those with the Never attribute set) cannot participate in a transaction.
Action:  Ensure that the specified EJB is configured to run in a transaction. For more information, see the sections “EJB Transaction Management” and “Services and Transaction Management” in the Overview chapter of the Adapter for EJB installation and user's guide.
 Connection factory is {0}, but connection does not implement {1}
Explanation:  The configured connection factory and connection implementation classes are not compatible. This situation can only occur when programmatically creating adapter connections using the WmART Extended Utilities services.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 javax.naming.NamingException explanation: {0}
Explanation:  This is a supplementary message that is logged when a NamingException has occurred. This message logs the output of NamingException.getExplanation().
Action:  This is a generic log message that may be caused by any of several JNDI-related events. Ensure that the problem is not due to the application server JNDI configuration.
 javax.naming.NamingException root cause: {0}
Explanation:  This is a supplementary message that is logged when a NamingException has occurred. This message logs the output of NamingException.getRootCause().getMessage().
Action:  This is a generic log message that may be caused by any of several JNDI-related events. Ensure that the problem is not due to the application server JNDI configuration.
 WmManagedConnection instance does not implement EJBClient
Explanation:  The Adapter Runtime has passed a WmManagedConnection object to one of the adapter's services that is not a subclass of com.wm.adapter.wmejb.connection.EJBClient.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Unexpected exception executing adapter service: {0}
Explanation:  An exception other than javax.naming.NamingException or com.wm.adk.error.AdapterException was thrown during execution of the specified adapter service.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Invocation of home method {0}.{1} returned null
Explanation:  The specified remote home method returned a null object to the invoking adapter service.
Action:  Ensure that the target EJB method is implemented, configured, and deployed properly on the application server.
 InvocationTargetException occurred on method: {0} - {1}
Explanation:  This type of exception can occur when the arguments provided to the specified remote method cause that method to fail. This situation typically occurs with entity EJB finder methods when the input values yield an empty result set in the target bean method.
Action:  Ensure that the target EJB method is implemented correctly and that the input values provided are valid.
 Actual input signature does not match configured input signature
Explanation:  The actual IData input signature provided to the adapter service is inconsistent with the configured input signature for that service.
Action:  Ensure that the client invoking the configured adapter service instance passes arguments to that service in compliance with the service's input signature.
 For method: {0} on remote class: {1}, failed to introspect method parameters
Explanation:  The adapter service failed to locate the class file for an object in the remote method's configured parameters list. This error occurs when the class file is not visible to the adapter's class loader.
Action:  Ensure that the jar file containing the class has been copied into the packages/WmEJBAdapter/code/jars directory.
 Failed to locate method: {0} on remote class: {1}
Explanation:  The adapter service failed to find the specified method in the specified EJB class. This error can occur if an InvokeEJB 2.1 service is passed an EJB handle for a different EJB type than what it was configured for, or the signature of the EJB class itself has been modified since the adapter service was configured.
Action:  Ensure that the EJB handle you are passing into an InvokeEJB 2.1 service instance matches the EJB class that the service was configured for. If the EJB has changed, re-configure the service instance.
 Failed to invoke remote method: {0}, reason: {1}
Explanation:  An unexpected exception was thrown while calling a remote method on an EJB's home or bean interface. This error could be due to a number of causes, including a defect in the EJB itself.
Action:  Ensure that the EJB is implemented, configured, and deployed properly and that it is accessible to Adapter for EJB.
 Empty Collection/Enumeration returned by creator method: {0}
Explanation:  The specified method on the EJB home interface was successfully invoked, but returned an empty collection object as its result. This error is due to an implementation defect in the EJB home method itself.
Action:  Correct the logic problem in the indicated method. Re-deploy the EJB.
 Failed to lookup default EJB in resource domain: {0}
Explanation:  This error indicates a logic defect in the adapter configuration code.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Failed to lookup default method in resource domain: {0}
Explanation:  While configuring the indicated resource domain, the adapter failed to detect any public methods in an EJBHome or EJBObject interface implementation class. This error could indicate that the EJB itself is corrupt or configured incorrectly. It may also indicate an internal logic defect in the adapter code.
Action:  Ensure that the EJB is implemented, configured, and deployed properly.
 Failed to get EJBObject from Handle
Explanation:  A call to javax.ejb.Handle.getEJBObject() has failed. The most likely cause is a configuration problem in Adapter for EJB.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Remote method {0}.{1} expected return value of type {2}, but received null
Explanation:  The adapter service has successfully invoked the specified remote method on the EJB. However, the value returned by that method was null though an object of the indicated type was expected. This error indicates a logic defect in the EJB method itself.
Action:  Correct the defect and re-deploy the EJB.
 Input record to InvokeEJB.execute() is empty
Explanation:  The input record passed into this adapter service instance at runtime contained no data. This error indicates a defect in the client code that is calling this service. (InvokeEJB is the name of the underlying adapter service template class for an InvokeEJB 2.1 service.)
Action:  Ensure that the client service code is implemented correctly. At a minimum, all calls to InvokeEJB.execute must contain an EJB Handle instance in the input pipeline.
 Unexpected exception removing EJB
Explanation:  The standalone service pub.ejbadapter.removeEJB caught an unexpected exception when calling the method java.ejb.EJBObject.remove() on an EJB. The cause is indeterminate.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 java.rmi.RemoteException occurred trying to remove EJB
Explanation:  The standalone service pub.ejbadapter.removeEJB caught the indicated exception when calling the method java.ejb.EJBObject.remove() on an EJB.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Expected EJB is null or not of type javax.ejb.Handle in removeEJB
Explanation:  The EJB passed into a call to pub.ejbadapter.removeEJB is null or not the correct type. This error indicates a defect in the client code invoking this service.
Action:  Correct the client code.
 Input WmRecord object is null
Explanation:  The input record passed to an adapter service instance is null. This error indicates a defect in the client code invoking this service.
Action:  Correct the client code.
 EJBDescriptorCache is null or empty
Explanation:  The adapter failed to locate any EJBs registered in the JNDI server. This error could be due to a number of causes.
Action:  Ensure that EJBs are configured and deployed properly on the application server and that they are accessible to Adapter for EJB.
 EJBClassDescriptor is null
Explanation:  This error indicates an internal logic defect in the adapter code.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 EJBMethodDescriptor is null
Explanation:  This indicates an internal logic defect in the adapter code.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Unsupported object of type {0} returned by EJB home method
Explanation:  The adapter successfully invoked a remote home method on an EJB, but the object returned by that method is of the specified type, that is not supported. The cause is indeterminate.
Action:  Contact Software AG Global Support.
 Invalid supported connection class found in impl directory: {0}
Explanation:  A class file for a class that is not a subclass of com.wm.adapter.wmejb.connection.WmEJBConnection was found in the following adapter directory: WmEJBAdapter/code/classes/com/wm/adapter/wmejb/connection/impl/supported
Action:  Move the specified class file into another directory to prevent this message from displaying.
 Cannot execute method {0}; Handle is null
Explanation:  An instance of InvokeEJB 2.1 or CreateInvokeEJB 2.1 cannot execute the stated remote bean method because the Handle object it uses to get the EJBObject instance is null. For an InvokeEJB 2.1 service, the handle is passed in from the client code. For a CreateInvokeEJB 2.1 service, the handle instance is generated internally.
Action:  If this error occurs when your client code is calling InvokeEJB 2.1, ensure that you are passing a valid javax.ejb.Handle object to the service.
 Remove not allowed on given EJB
Explanation:  The standalone service pub.ejbadapter.removeEJB caught a javax.ejb.Remove exception when calling the method java.ejb.EJBObject.remove() on an EJB. The EJB container has determined that the EJB cannot be removed at this time, which may or may not be the expected behavior.
Action:  Check with the EJB deployer to ensure that it is configured to allow removal. In particular, stateful EJBs running within a transaction may be subject to containerimposed restrictions on their removal. Alternatively, omit the call to removeEJB in your client or trap the error and branch accordingly.
 FetchEJB has failed to look-up resource domain: {0} with dependency value: {1}. This can happen if the service is using an EJB that no longer exists or has been modified.
Explanation:  The EJB that the adapter service has been configured to use does not match the EJB deployed on the server or the EJB is no longer deployed. This error message may display multiple times. (FetchEJB is the name of the underlying adapter service template class for a CreateEJB 2.1 service.)
Action:  If the EJB no longer exists, delete this adapter service instance. If the EJB has changed, re-configure this adapter service instance.
 InvokeEJB has failed to look-up resource domain: {0} with dependency value: {1}. This can happen if the service is using an EJB that no longer exists or has been modified.
Explanation:  The EJB that the adapter service has been configured to use does not match the EJB deployed on the server or the EJB is no longer deployed. This error message may display multiple times. (InvokeEJB is the name of the underlying adapter service template class for an InvokeEJB 2.1 service.)
Action:  If the EJB no longer exists, delete this adapter service instance. If the EJB has changed, re-configure this adapter service instance.
 FetchAndInvokeEJB has failed to look-up resource domain: {0} with dependency value: {1}. This can happen if the service is using an EJB that no longer exists or has been modified.
Explanation:  The EJB that the adapter service has been configured to use does not match the EJB deployed on the server or the EJB is no longer deployed. This error message may display multiple times. (FetchandInvokeEJB is the name of the underlying adapter service template class for a CreateInvokeEJB 2.1 service.)
Action:  If the EJB no longer exists, delete this adapter service instance. If the EJB has changed, re-configure this adapter service instance.
 The EJB object passed into InvokeEJB does not match the expected type: {0}
Explanation:  The Invoke Adapter for EJB service you are running was configured for an EJB of the stated class type. However, an EJB of a different type was passed into the service at run time. (InvokeEJB is the name of the underlying adapter service template class for an InvokeEJB 2.1 service.)
Action:  Edit the flow service to map the correct EJB type to the 'EJB' input parameter of the configured Invoke Adapter for EJB service.
 The parameter: {0} in the service you are running is a Java primitive type--it cannot be null.
Explanation:  The service you are running attempts to call a remote EJB method with a primitive argument for which no value was provided.
Action:  Edit the service to ensure that all primitive method parameters have an appropriate value. Consult the EJB you are running against to determine what values might be appropriate.
 Input record to InvokeEJB30.execute() is empty
Explanation:  The input record passed into this adapter service instance at runtime contained no data. This error indicates a defect in the client code that is calling this service. (InvokeEJB30 is the name of the underlying adapter service template class for an InvokeEJB 3.0 service.)
Action:  Ensure that the client service code is implemented correctly. At a minimum, all calls to InvokeEJB30.execute must contain an EJB Handle instance in the input pipeline.
 InvokeEJB30 has failed to look-up resource domain: {0} with dependency value: {1}. This can happen if the service is using an EJB that no longer exists or has been modified.
Explanation:  The EJB that the adapter service has been configured to use does not match the EJB deployed on the server or the EJB is no longer deployed. This error message may display multiple times. (InvokeEJB30 is the name of the underlying adapter service template class for an InvokeEJB 3.0 service.)
Action:  If the EJB no longer exists, delete this adapter service instance. If the EJB has changed, re-configure this adapter service instance.
 FetchAndInvokeEJB30 has failed to look-up resource domain: {0} with dependency value: {1}. This can happen if the service is using an EJB that no longer exists or has been modified.
Explanation:  The EJB that the adapter service has been configured to use does not match the EJB deployed on the server or the EJB is no longer deployed. This error message may display multiple times. (FetchandInvokeEJB30 is the name of the underlying adapter service template class for a FetchInvokeEJB 3.0 service.)
Action:  If the EJB no longer exists, delete this adapter service instance. If the EJB has changed, re-configure this adapter service instance.
 The EJB object passed into InvokeEJB30 does not match the expected type: {0}
Explanation:  The InvokeEJB30 adapter service you are running was configured for an EJB of the stated class type. However, an EJB of a different type was passed into the service at run time. (InvokeEJB30 is the name of the underlying adapter service template class for an InvokeEJB 3.0 service.)
Action:  Edit the flow service to map the correct EJB type to the 'EJB' input parameter of the configured InvokeEJB30 adapter service.
 FetchEJB30 has failed to look-up resource domain: {0} with dependency value: {1}. This can happen if the service is using an EJB that no longer exists or has been modified.
Explanation:  The EJB that the adapter service has been configured to use does not match the EJB deployed on the server or the EJB is no longer deployed. This error message may display multiple times. (FetchEJB30 is the name of the underlying adapter service template class for a FetchEJB 3.0 service.)
Action:  If the EJB no longer exists, delete this adapter service instance. If the EJB has changed, re-configure this adapter service instance.
 java.rmi.RemoteException explanation: {0}
Explanation:  This is a supplementary message that is logged when a RemoteException has occurred. This message logs the output of RemoteException.getMessage().
Action:  This is a generic log message that may be caused by any of several RMI-related events. Ensure that the problem is not due to the application server EJB configuration. Contact Software AG Global Support.
 java.rmi.RemoteException root cause: {0}
Explanation:  This is a supplementary message that is logged when a RemoteException has occurred. This message logs the output of RemoteException.detail.toString().
Action:  This is a generic log message that may be caused by any of several RMI-related events. Ensure that the problem is not due to the application server EJB configuration.