Ariba Supplier OnRamp 7.1 | webMethods Ariba Supplier OnRamp Documentation | webMethods Ariba Supplier OnRamp Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Test Module | Testing Messages Stored in Files
Testing Messages Stored in Files
You can read files on the server that contain PunchOutSetupRequests, OrderRequests, ProfileRequests, MasterAgreementRequests, or Multipart MIME messages containing OrderRequests with attachments.
*To test a message stored in a file
1. Start Integration Server Administrator.
2. In the Ariba OnRamp menu, select Test. The Test page appears.
3. Select the test type From File.
4. Type a file name in the Sample Message Filename field (or click the Browse button to select a file) and click the Submit button.
The request contents are displayed.
5. You can modify the request contents by entering additional CXML message fields in the text box.
Be careful when modifying cXML request documents. Be sure you adhere to XML syntax (ensure that all opening tags have closing tags, special characters are escaped correctly, and so on).
In addition, be extremely careful if you edit a MIME message in the text box. MIME messages are particularly sensitive to whitespace characters. Be sure not to modify the MIME headers. Modifying a MIME document in the text box is not recommended.
If you have enabled Shared Secret validation (), make sure that you enter the supplier's Shared Secret in the Shared Secret field in Request Header's Sender credential.
6. After you modify the request contents, click the Send cXML Request button.
7. View the cXML response that is returned, and view the log files if needed.