Ariba Supplier OnRamp 7.1 | webMethods Ariba Supplier OnRamp Documentation | webMethods Ariba Supplier OnRamp Installation and User’s Documentation | Listening to and Processing Punchout Process Events | Overview
Ariba Supplier OnRamp can notify you when the following events occur during punchout order processing:
*An OrderRequest is received.
*An OrderRequest fails.
*An OrderResponse is sent.
*A PunchOutSetupRequest is received.
*A PunchOutSetupRequest fails.
*A PunchOutSetupResponse is sent.
*A MasterAgreementRequest fails.
*A MasterAgreementRequest is received.
*An InvoiceDetailResponse is received.
You can create custom services for these events. At run time, the Ariba Supplier OnRamp core queries the Configuration Module to see if a service for that event is registered. If so, Ariba Supplier OnRamp invokes that service.