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Adding Default ProfileRequest Processing Rules
Ariba Supplier OnRamp for Trading Networks includes a default processing rule and handler service implementation for cXML ProfileRequests.
When a cXML ProfileRequest is received by Trading Networks, the following actions occur:
*The default processing rule invokes a built-in handler that determines the buyer (from) and the supplier (to).
*The default rule then determines for each of the cXML requests (PunchOutSetupRequest or OrderRequest) if a rule exists that could process the particular request if the message contained the from and the to credentials from the ProfileRequest. If so, the ProfileResponse indicates that the particular cXML request transaction is supported by the supplier.
*To add the default ProfileRequest processing rule
1. In the Ariba Supplier OnRamp Configuration screen, click the Use Trading Networks Support check box and click the Update button next to it.
The page displays the fields that support Trading Networks.
2. Click the Create Default button next to theProfileRequest Processing Rule label.
Ariba Supplier OnRamp will install the default processing rule for ProfileRequests in Trading Networks.