Ariba Supplier OnRamp 7.1 | webMethods Ariba Supplier OnRamp Documentation | webMethods Ariba Supplier OnRamp Installation and User’s Documentation | Development Utilities | Using the Attachment Utility
Using the Attachment Utility
Working with the attachmentWrapperCollection Object
Working with the attachmentWrapper Object
Ariba SN is capable of sending cXML OrderRequest and attachment documents in a MIME/Multipart message. Ariba Supplier OnRamp is capable of receiving MIME/Multipart messages containing OrderRequests and attachments. It extracts the attachments and for each attachment and creates an attachmentWrapper data object to represent the attachment.
Each attachmentWrapper contains metadata describing the attachment document and the contents of the attachments in bytes.
The set of attachments are collected in an attachmentWrapperCollection object which allows you to:
*Loop through the set of attachmentWrappers.
*Retrieve an attachmentWrapper by index.
*Retrieve an attachmentWrapper by the attachment's unique identifier. Each attachment sent by Ariba SN has a unique ID and is set in the cXML OrderRequest. They are located in the element cXML/Request/OrderRequest/OrderRequestHeader/Comment.