Adapter for Apache Kafka 9.6 | webMethods Adapter for Apache Kafka Documentation | webMethods Adapter for Apache Kafka Installation and User’s Documentation | Adapter Listeners and Listener Notifications | Listeners | Configuring a New Listener
Configuring a New Listener
When you configure a listener, you specify information that the Integration Server uses to listen to Kafka system messages.
Before you configure the listener, you must configure an adapter connection. You create Adapter for Apache Kafka connections using Integration Server Administrator.
Perform the following procedure to configure a new listener:
1. In the Adapters menu in the navigation area of Integration Server Administrator, click webMethods Adapter for Apache Kafka.
2. Click Listeners.
3. In the Listeners page, click Configure New Listener.
4. In the Listener Types page, select Kafka® Consumer Listener.
5. In the Configure Listener Type page, provide values to the following fields:
Package in which to create the listener. Use Designer to create the package before specifying the value in this field. For general information about creating packages, see the webMethods Service Development Help for your release.
Configure the listener in a user-defined package rather than in the adapter's package. For other important considerations when creating packages for Adapter for Apache Kafka, see Package Management.
Folder Name
Folder in which to create the listener.
Listener Name
Name of the listener that listens for messages on a Kafka topic.
Connection Name
Name of the connection that the listener must use to connect to the Kafka system.
From the list of connections, select an appropriate consumer connection.
Retry Limit
Number of times the adapter tries to reconnect if the adapter fails to connect, or loses connection with the Queue Manager. Default: 5
Retry Backoff Timeout
Time in seconds that must elapse between each of the retries specified in the Retry Limit. Default: 10
The listener name is prefixed by the folder name and is separated by a colon. For example: If the folder name is "Folder1" and the listener name is "Listener1", then the listener name in the "Listeners" screen will be "Folder1:Listener1".
6. In the Listener Properties section, use the following fields:
An asterisk (*) next to the filter fields indicates that Adapter for Apache Kafka passes the messages that match the filter criteria to the notification. Messages that do not match the specified filter criteria remain on the queue.
Topic Name(s)
Specify comma separated list of topic.
Comma separated list of partition.
If you have multiple partitions to listen from, then you provide comma separated list. Otherwise, provide just the single value.
Seek from Offset(s)
The offset of the partition from where the consumer needs to start consuming the messages.
Type the polling interval time in seconds.
7. Click Save Listener. If the parameters are valid, the listener you created appears on the page.
8. To monitor the Kafka topic, enable the listener. For more information on enabling listeners, see Enabling Listeners.