webMethods Adapter Runtime 10.5 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | The Adapter Runtime in a Clustered Environment | What is Clustering? | Considerations when Configuring Connections with Connection Pooling Enabled
Considerations when Configuring Connections with Connection Pooling Enabled
When you configure a connection that uses connection pools in a clustered environment, be sure that you do not exceed the total number of connections that can be opened simultaneously to the back end.
For example, if you have a cluster of two Integration Servers with a connection configured to a back end resource that supports a maximum of 100 connections opened simultaneously, the total number of connections possible at one time must not exceed 100. This means that you cannot configure a connection with an initial pool size of 100 and replicate the connection to both servers because there could be possibly a total of 200 connections opened simultaneously to the back end.
In another example, consider a connection configured with an initial pool size of 10 and a maximum pool size of 100. If you replicate this connection across a cluster with two Integration Servers, it is possible for the connection pool size on both servers to exceed the maximum number of connections that can be open at one time.
For more information about connection pools, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.