webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation 10.4 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | Adapters RunTime Users Guide | Overview of the Adapter Runtime | Package Management
Package Management
User-Defined Package Dependency Requirements and Guidelines
Each webMethods adapter is provided as a separate package that has a dependency on the WmART package. When you create connections, adapter services, listeners, and notifications for an adapter, you must define them in user-defined packages rather than in the adapter package. The user-defined packages, in turn, have a dependency on the adapter package.
You manage the WmART package, the adapter package and user-defined packages as you would manage any package on Integration Server.
When Integration Server starts, it automatically loads or reloads the WmART package first, the adapter package next, and the user-defined packages last.The WmART package is automatically installed when you install Integration Server. You should not need to manually reload the WmART package.
The following diagram shows the various package dependencies.

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