webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation 10.4 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | Adapters RunTime Users Guide | Overview of the Adapter Runtime | Event Publishing Support for Adapter Notifications | Enabling the Publishing of Events
Enabling the Publishing of Events
You enable the publishing of events for an adapter notification either in Integration Server Administrator or using the pub.art.notification:enablePublishEvents service.
* To enable the publishing of events in Integration Server Administrator
1. In Integration Server Administrator, go to Adapters > Adapter Name > Notifications.
2. In the Publish Events column, click No for the notification for which you want to enable the feature. Integration Server Administrator displays Yes in the Publish Events column.
Adapter Runtime uses the properties watt.art.notification.eventBus.retries and watt.art.notification.eventBus.retryInterval to verify that the event type definition is copied to the Event Type Store. Publishing of events is not enabled if the Adapter Runtime does not find the event type definition in the Event Type Store. Instead, Integration Server Administrator displays an error message.
Note: From version 10.3 onwards, Event Routing component is deprecated.

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