webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation 10.4 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | Adapters RunTime Users Guide | Overview of the Adapter Runtime | Event Publishing Support for Adapter Notifications | Copying the Event Type Definition
Copying the Event Type Definition
After you create an event type definition in Designer, you must manually copy it to the Event Type Store. The namespace of the event type in the Event Type Store must be the same as the namespace of the associated adapter notification.
For example, if you configured an adapter notification named Notification1 in Folder1 of Package1, and then you created an event type named Notification1, you must copy the event type to C:\SoftwareAG\common\EventTypeStore\Package1\Folder1.
The default path to the Event Type Store is C:\SoftwareAG\common\EventTypeStore. For more information about the Event Type Store, see Implementing Event-Driven Architecture with Software AG Products.

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