webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation 10.4 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | Adapters RunTime Users Guide | Overview of the Adapter Runtime | Adapter Connections | Run-Time Connection Allocation for Adapter Services | Dynamically Selecting a Connection Node
Dynamically Selecting a Connection Node
Each connection node should be used to access a single physical resource. In some integration environments, similar functionality is available on multiple physical resources. In these cases, a single adapter service node may be used to access those resources by dynamically specifying which connection node to use for a particular service invocation.
You can run a service using a connection other than the default connection that was associated with the service when the service node was created. To override the default, you must code your flow to pass a value through the pipeline into a service's $connectionName field.
Alternatively, you can use the configured connection for an adapter service, but at run time override the user credentials defined in the connection. To override the user credentials, you must code your flow service to pass values through the pipeline into the adapter service's user name and password fields.

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