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Adapter Runtime Exception Handling
The Adapter Runtime provides the following exception definitions:
*AdapterException. All exceptions thrown by an adapter, excluding exceptions during adapter service execution, belong to this exception type or to a child of this exception type.
*DetailedException. This type of exception is a child of AdapterException. It contains detailed information about an exception.
*AdapterConnectionException. This exception is thrown when an issue occurs while establishing a connection to the back end or using a connection that has become stale. When the system returns an AdapterConnectionException WmART resets the connection pool.
All adapter services, notifications, and listeners use the connection pool. If an AdapterConnectionException occurs when an adapter service, notification, or listener tries to retrieve a connection from the connection pool, the Adapter Runtime treats the exception as a fatal one. WmART resets the connection pool and throws a DetailedSystemException.
*DetailedServiceException. This type of exception provides detailed information about any exceptions thrown during service execution.

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