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Adapter Runtime Message Logging
Integration Server maintains several types of logging. However, the Adapter Runtime logs messages only to the error, server, and service logs.
The following table lists the logging types supported by Integration Server for the Adapter Runtime.
Provides stack trace information about all errors that occur in the Adapter Runtime, including exceptions thrown by services.
Adapters automatically post fatal-level and error-level messages to the Adapter Runtime error log.
Provides information about fatal-level through debug-level log messages. Trace-level log messages appear as messages for an individual adapter.
Provides information about adapter services. You can monitor adapter services as you would audit any service in Integration Server. The audit properties for an adapter service are available in each adapter service template in the Properties panel.
The Adapter Runtime log messages appear in the following format, ART.mmmm.nnnn, where:
*ART is the facility code indicating that the message is from the Adapter Runtime.
*mmmm is the code for one of the following Integration Server log facilities:
Information and errors related to...
Adapter Runtime
Adapter runtime facilities.
Adapter Runtime (Listener)
Adapter listeners that use adapter connections to connect to adapter resources.
Adapter Runtime (Notification)
Adapter notifications including polling and listener notifications.
Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service)
Adapter services that define operations that the adapter will perform on adapter resources.
Adapter Runtime (Connection)
Adapter connections that contain parameters that adapter notifications and listeners use to connect to an adapter resource.
Adapter Runtime (SCC Transaction Manager)
Adapter Runtime (JCA System Contract Component Transaction Manager).
Adapter Runtime (SCC Connection Manager)
Adapter Runtime (JCA System Contract Component Connection Manager).
*nnnn represents the error’s minor code.

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