webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation 10.4 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | Adapters RunTime Users Guide | The Adapter Runtime in a Clustered Environment | Adapter Listener Support in a Cluster | Listener States in a Cluster | Enabling, Disabling, and Suspending Listeners in a Cluster | Disabling Listeners in a Cluster
Disabling Listeners in a Cluster
* To disable a multi-node or single-node listener in a cluster
1. In Integration Server Administrator, select Adapters > Adapter name.
2. In the Adapter menu, select Listeners. The Listeners screen appears.
3. Select Disabled from the drop-down list in the State field for the listener that you want to disable. A dialog box appears prompting you to disable the listener.
4. Do one of the following:
*Select Yes for all nodes to disable the listener on all nodes in the cluster.
*Select Yes to disable the listener on the current node only.
*Select Cancel to end the operation.

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