webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation 10.4 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | Adapters RunTime Users Guide | The Adapter Runtime in a Clustered Environment | Adapter Listener Support in a Cluster | Listener States in a Cluster | Multi-Node Listener States
Multi-Node Listener States
You can change the state of a multi-node listener on all nodes in an Integration Server cluster from any node in the cluster. When a multi-node listener is enabled, disabled, or suspended on all nodes in the cluster, the action that a particular node takes depends on:
*the selected state change on all nodes
*the listener state on the particular node, that is if the listener thread is running or not
For example, if a multi-node listener has already been suspended on node A, and then on node B you disable the listener on all nodes in the cluster, node A takes no real action. Node A only shows the state as disabled because the listener thread has already stopped running.
The following table shows what change occurs in the state of a multi-node listener on a particular node in the cluster when you enable, disable, or suspend the listener on all nodes.
Listener State on a Particular Node
Enable Listener on All Nodes
Disable Listener on All Nodes
Suspend Listener on All Nodes
No action
No action
No action
Show as disabled. No action
No action

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