webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation 10.4 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | Adapters RunTime Users Guide | Adapter Runtime Built-In Services Reference | Summary of Adapter Runtime Built-In Services | pub.art.connection:queryConnectionState
Checks the availability of the underlying resource (for example, database servers) at frequent time intervals, and returns the current connection state (enabled/disabled, shuttingdown, pendingEnabled) and error status for a connection node.
Input Parameters
String Name of the connection node for which you want the connection state and error status returned.
Output Parameters
String Current connection state (enabled/disabled, shuttingdown, pendingEnabled).
Boolean Flag indicating if any error was detected on connection. The values are:
*true if an error was detected.
*false if no error was detected.
String The long value of the time stamp for the last error.
Usage Notes
You use the pub.art.connection:queryConnectionState service together with the watt.art.wmConnectionPool.pingRetryInterval and watt.art.wmConnectionPool.pingSafeInterval parameters to monitor the state of the underlying resource.

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