webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation 10.4 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | Adapters RunTime Users Guide | Adapter Runtime Built-In Services Reference | Summary of Adapter Runtime Built-In Services | pub.art.transaction:commitTransaction
Commits an explicit transaction.
Input Parameters
Document List Information for each commit request.
String The name of an explicit transaction that you want to commit. The transactionName must have been previously used in a call to pub.art.transaction:startTransaction.
This value must be mapped from the most recent pub.art.transaction:startTransaction that has not previously been committed or rolled back.
Output Parameters
Usage Notes
This service is available only if your adapter supports built-in transaction management services, which you can confirm by checking the user guide for the adapter.
This service must be used in conjunction with the pub.art.transaction:startTransaction service. If the transactionName parameter was not provided in a prior call to pub.art.transaction:startTransaction, a run-time error will be returned.

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