webMethods Adapter Runtime 10.11 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | webMethods Adapter Runtime User’s Documentation | Overview of the Adapter Runtime | Adapter Listeners and Listener Notifications
Adapter Listeners and Listener Notifications
Synchronous and Asynchronous Listener Notifications
Single-Threaded and Multi-Threaded Listeners
Listeners and listener notifications work together to create a much more powerful model for detecting and processing events in the adapter resource than is possible with polling notifications.
With a listener notification, the responsibility for monitoring the adapter resource and processing any events is divided between a listener and its notification(s). A listener object is instantiated and is given a connection when you enable the associated node. The listener object remains active with the same connection to monitor the resource activity until it is disabled (either explicitly or by disabling the containing package, the adapter, the connection, or Integration Server). When the listener detects a publishable event in the resource, it passes an object back to the server. The server will interrogate a configured list of listener notifications associated with the listener node until it finds a listener notification node that can process the event. The listener notification processes the event either asynchronously or synchronously.