webMethods Adapter Runtime 10.11 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | webMethods Adapter Runtime User’s Documentation | Adapter Administrator APIs | Adapter Operations
Adapter Operations
Common Request Parameters
The following request parameters are commonly used in REST URL to invoke the Adapter Administrator APIs.
Parameter Name
Parameter Description
Adapter type name registered with the Integration Server.
You can get the display name and adapter type name of all the adapters registered with Integration Server by invoking the Adapter Administrator API as follows: GET /admin/adapters
Name of the adapter connection.
Name of the adapter connection factory type.
You can get the list of adapter connection factory types available for the specified adapter by invoking the Adapter Administrator API as follows: GET /admin/adapters/describe/{adapterTypeName}/connection
Name of the adapter listener.
Name of the adapter listener factory type.
You can get the list of adapter listener factory types available for the specified adapter by invoking the Adapter Administrator API as follows: GET /admin/adapters/describe/{adapterTypeName}/listener
Same as listenerFactoryTypeName parameter.
Name of the adapter notification.
Name of the adapter notification type. The values allowed for notificationType are:
You can have either or both the adapter notification types depending on the specified adapter.
Connection, Listener and Notification Operations
The following adapter Administrator APIs are available for adapter connection, listener and notification operations:
GET /admin/adapters
Lists the adapter name and adapter type of all the adapters registered with Integration Server.
Connection Operations
GET /admin/adapters/describe/{adapterTypeName}/connection
Lists the available adapter connection factory types for the specified adapter type.
GET /admin/adapters/describe/{adapterTypeName}/connection/{connectionFactoryTypeName}
Lists the fields for the specified adapter type and the specified adapter connection factory type.
GET /admin/adapters/connection/{adapterTypeName}?expand={expandValue}
Retrieves the list of all available adapter connections for the specified adapter type. The values allowed for expandValue query parameter are:
*true. Displays the details of each adapter connection.
*false. Default. Displays the name and URL of each adapter connection.
GET /admin/adapters/connection/{adapterTypeName}/{connectionAlias}
Retrieves the fields and their values for the specified adapter connection.
POST /admin/adapters/connection
Creates a new adapter connection.
You can get the list of fields for an adapter connection by invoking the describe method in Adapter Administrator API.
For more details about the input parameters and samples, see the respective adapter's section in Adapter Specific Samples.
PATCH /admin/adapters/connection/{connectionAlias}
Updates the specified adapter connection details.
*You can get the list of fields for an adapter connection by invoking the describe method in Adapter Administrator API.
*You can get the existing fields values for the specific adapter connection by invoking the get method in Adapter Administrator API.
*You must specify all the fields for the adapter connection in the request body.
For more details about the input parameters and samples, see the respective adapter's section in Adapter Specific Samples.
DELETE /admin/adapters/connection/{connectionAlias}
Deletes the specified adapter connection.
PUT /admin/adapters/connection/{connectionAlias}?action={enableValue}
Enables or disables the specified adapter connection. The values allowed for enableValue query parameter are:
*enable. Enables adapter connection.
*disable. Disables adapter connection.
Listener Operations
GET /admin/adapters/describe/{adapterTypeName}/listener
Lists the available adapter listener factory types for the specified adapter type.
GET /admin/adapters/describe/{adapterTypeName}/listener/{listenerTemplate}
Describes all the fields for the specified adapter type and the specified adapter listener template.
GET /admin/adapters/listener/{adapterTypeName}?expand={expandValue}
Retrieves the list of all available adapter listeners for the specified adapter type. The values allowed for expandValue query parameter are:
*true. Displays the details of each adapter listener.
*false. Default. Displays the name and URL of each adapter listener.
GET /admin/adapters/listener/{adapterTypeName}/{listenerAlias}
Retrieves all the fields for the specified adapter listener.
POST /admin/adapters/listener
Creates a new adapter listener.
You can get the list of fields for an adapter listener by invoking the describe method in Adapter Administrator API.
For more details about the input parameters and samples, see the respective adapter's section in Adapter Specific Samples.
PATCH /admin/adapters/listener/{listenerAlias}
Updates the specified adapter listener details.
*You can get the list of fields for an adapter listener by invoking the describe method in Adapter Administrator API.
*You can get the existing fields values for the specific adapter listener by invoking the get method in Adapter Administrator API.
*You must specify all the fields for the adapter listener in the request body.
For more details about the input parameters and samples, see the respective adapter's section in Adapter Specific Samples.
DELETE /admin/adapters/listener/{listenerAlias}
Deletes the specified adapter listener.
PUT /admin/adapters/listener/{listenerAlias}?action={enableValue}
Enables or disables the specified adapter listener. The values allowed for enableValue query parameter are:
*enable. Enables the adapter listener.
*disable. Disables the adapter listener.
Notification Operations
GET /admin/adapters/notification/{adapterTypeName}?node={notificationType}&expand={expandValue}
Retrieves the list of all available adapter notifications. The values allowed for expandValue query parameter are:
*true. Displays the details of each adapter notification.
*false. Default. Displays the name and URL of each adapter notification.
GET /admin/adapters/notification/{adapterTypeName}/{notificationAlias}?node={notificationType}
Retrieves all the fields for the specified adapter notification.
DELETE /admin/adapters/notification/{notificationAlias}?node={notificationType}
Deletes the specified adapter notification.
PUT /admin/adapters/notification/{notificationAlias}?node={notificationType}&action={enableValue}
Enables or disables the specified adapter notification. The values allowed for enableValue query parameter are:
*enable. Enables the adapter notification.
*disable. Disables the adapter notification.