webMethods Adapter Runtime 10.11 | webMethods Adapter Runtime Documentation | webMethods Adapter Runtime User’s Documentation | Parallel Asset Initialization | Overview
Adapter Runtime assets connections, listeners and notifications are initialized when packages are loaded and during Integration Servers startup. Enabled connections try to connect and interact with external systems as a part of package loading. Listeners and notifications depend on connections for initialization and hence are initialized after initializing connections. The communication with external systems can be erroneous in case the connectivity is broken. The communication with external systems also increases the time taken by the packages to load and subsequently increases the Integration Servers startup time. The Adapter Runtime supports parallel asset initialization to reduce the package loading time and the Integration Servers startup time.
Adapter Runtime handles the initialization of the assets using Adapter Runtime asset initializer thread pool for the adapter which supports parallel asset initialization. The asset initializer thread pool is disabled by default and can be configured as required. The Adapter Runtime asset initializer thread pool starts initializing assets in the sequence they are registered with Adapter Runtime. If the Adapter Runtime asset has any dependency defined, then the dependency is initialized before the dependent asset. For example, the connection used by a notification is initialized before initializing the notification. The assets will be submitted for initialization to the Adapter Runtime asset initializer thread pool. The assets which are submitted for initialization will be in Pending Initialization state until the Adapter Runtime asset initializer thread picks them up for initialization. The state transition from there varies from asset to asset. For example a connection is in one of the following states during initialization:
Pending Initialization
State of connection when submitted for initialization but has not started initialization.
Pending Enabled
State of enabled connection when the initialization of connection has started.
State of connection when successfully initialized and enabled.
State of connection when failed to enable.
State of disabled connection when initialized and disabled.
After installing the adapter that supports parallel asset initialization, you must set the respective adapters' server configuration parameter:
*Set the server configuration parameter for parallel asset initialization of the adapter to true. The default value is false. Following is an example of server configuration parameter for parallel asset initialization for Adapter for JDBC.
*Adapter Runtime maintains a pool of server threads for initializing the assets. This pool is shared by all Adapter Runtime adapters. The Adapter Runtime initializer thread pool can be customized.
watt.art.asset.parallelInitialization.minThreads = 5 (Default)
watt.art.asset.parallelInitialization.maxThreads = 10 (Default)
You can set these properties from the Integration Server Administrator, select Settings > Extended.
The following table lists the adapters and the server configuration parameter that must be set for parallel asset initialization to take effect.
webMethods Adapter for JDBC
webMethods Adapter for Salesforce
webMethods PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne Adapter