AS/400 Adapter 6.0.1 | webMethods AS/400 Adapter Documentation | webMethods AS/400 Adapter Installation and User’s Documentation | Externalizing Adapter Connection Assets | Externalizing AS400 Adapter
Externalizing AS400 Adapter
As the connections vary from adapter to adapter, Microservices Runtime provides a way to deploy the configurations in the properties file. The properties file reflects the changes in the Docker image while running for the adapters.
Microservices Runtime uses the Password-Based Encryption technology (PBE) that is installed along with Microservices Runtime. PBE helps in handling the passwords and other sensitive datas.
1. Start the Microservices Runtime.
2. Run the Integration Server Administrator. The Integration Server Administrator connects to the Microservices Runtime.
3. Go to Microservices > Configuration Variables > Generate Variable template.
This downloads the file.
4. Go to Adapters > webMethods Adapter for AS/400 in the left panel.
5. Enable the connection that requires externalization.
6. Click the view icon to review the connection details.
7. Edit the downloaded file and save it.
8. Run the Docker image.
When running a Microservices Runtime image in a Docker container, you can specify the configuration variables template in the Docker run command.
The following Docker run command uses the SAG_IS_CONFIG_PROPERTIES environment variable to specify the name and the location of the configuration variables template. In this example, the Docker image for the Microservices Runtime is named as isimage:v10.3 and exposes ports 5555 and 9999. Additionally, the location of the file is accessible by the Docker image.
Docker run -d --name ARTFix6 -p 4455:5555 -p 9999 -v /home/EUR/kava/
-e SAG_IS_CONFIG_PROPERTIES=/home/EUR/kavp/sag/ -e
USER12=jack123 isimage:v10.3