Adapter Development Kit 9.12 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Overview | Development Time Tasks and Support | Define Polling Notification Templates
Define Polling Notification Templates
A polling notification is a mechanism that notifies your application when an event occurs in your adapter's resource. For example, your application might need to be notified when data is added, updated, and deleted from the resource. You need to implement one polling notification template class for each polling notification the adapter supports.
A polling notification periodically checks the resource at specified intervals for the occurrence of events, and publishes a document each time an event occurs in the resource.
The users of the adapter define their run time polling notification nodes based on these templates, in a way similar to how they configure adapter service nodes. Designer provides facilities for creating, configuring, and testing polling notification nodes.
For more information, see Overview.