Adapter Development Kit 9.12 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Listener Notifications | Listener Implementation
Listener Implementation
Example Listener Class
Defining a WmConnectedListener Implementation Class
Specifying Configuration Metadata for Listener Notifications
Implementing Listener Methods
Creating getReader Method in WmManagedConnection Implementation Class
Updating the Resource Bundle
Registering Listeners in the WmAdapter Implementation Class
Compiling Adapter
Reloading Adapter
Refreshing the Designer cache
Configuring a Listener
The example listener implementation provided in this section shows the basic mechanics of a simple listener that can be used to monitor activity on an Integration Server log file. The example listener notification parses a session log entry and produces asynchronous notifications.
The tasks for implementing a listener are as follows:
*Defining a WmConnectedListener Implementation Class
*Specifying Configuration Metadata for Listeners
*Implementing Listener Methods
*Creating getReader Method in the WmManagedConnection Implementation Class
*Updating the Resource Bundle
*Registering Listeners in the WmAdapter Implementation Class
*Compiling the Adapter
*Reloading Adapter
*Refreshing the Designer cache
*Configuring a Listener