Adapter Development Kit 9.12 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Listener Notifications | Listener Notification Implementation | Registering Listener Notifications in the Adapter
Registering Listener Notifications in the Adapter
You must register each listener notification class in the WmAdapter implementation class. You do this by passing the class name to the AdapterTypeInfo.addNotificationType method in the WmAdapter.fillAdapterTypeInfo method in the WmAdapter implementation class. In the example, the listener notification class SessionLogListenerNotification is registered in the adapter implementation class MyAdapter:
For example:
package com.wm.MyAdapter;
import com.wm.MyAdapter.listeners.SessionLogListenerNotification;
public class MyAdapter extends WmAdapter implements MyAdapterConstants {
public void fillAdapterTypeInfo(AdapterTypeInfo info, Locale locale)