Adapter Development Kit 9.12 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Listener Notifications | Listener Notification Implementation | Updating the Resource Bundle
Updating the Resource Bundle
Update the resource bundle with a display name, and description to make the listener notification more usable.
package com.wm.MyAdapter;
import com.wm.MyAdapter.listeners.SessionLogListenerNotification;
public class MyAdapterResource extends ListResourceBundle implements MyAdapterConstants{
static final Object[][] _contents = {
//SessionLog Listener Notification
,{SessionLogListenerNotification.class.getName() + ADKGLOBAL.RESOURCEBUNDLEKEY_DISPLAYNAME,
"SessionLog Listener Notification"}
,{SessionLogListenerNotification.class.getName() + ADKGLOBAL.RESOURCEBUNDLEKEY_DESCRIPTION,
"Use SessionLog Listener Notification to monitor log files"}
"Field Name"}
"Field Name To Check"}
"Field Types"}
"Field Types To Check"}

protected Object[][] getContents() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return _contents;