Adapter Development Kit 9.12 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Phase 5: Adding Listener Notifications | Configuring and Testing the Listener and the Listener Notification Nodes | Configuring the Listener Node
Configuring the Listener Node
Perform the following procedure to configure the listener node.
*To configure the listener node
1. Start Integration Server Administrator.
2. Navigate to Adapters > Sample Adapter.
The Sample Adapter management screen appears.
3. Click Configure New Listener.
4. In the Listener Types screen, click Sample Server Listener.
5. Complete the Configure Listener Type > Sample Adapter section as follows:
Package in which you create the listener. Select the namespace node package TestSampleAdapter.
Folder Name
Folder in which you create the listener. Type the folder name listeners.
Listener Name
Listener name. Type the listener name sampleListener.
Select the connection node. For example, connections:listenerConnection.
Retry Limit
Specifies the number of times that the system should attempt to start the listener if the initial attempt fails which is specifying the how many times to retry the listenerStartup method before issuing an AdapterConnectionException. The value 0 means that the system makes a single attempt. Accept the default value 5.
Retry Backoff Timeout
Specifies the number of seconds the system must wait between each attempt to start the listener. Accept the default value 10.
6. Click Save Listener.
Enabling the listener before you configure and enable its corresponding listener notification node produces a warning.