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Banking Services, Queries and Alerts
Banking Services
The Sample Server provides the following banking services. You can use the adapter service template to create adapter service nodes that use these services:
Service Name
Creates multiple cash and check deposits. When the check number is equal to or less than 0, the deposit is considered to be a cash deposit.
Bounce Check
Bounces (disapproves) a check deposit.
Clear Check
Clears (approves) a check deposit.
Get Balance
Retrieves the current balance of the specified account.
Get History
Retrieves the service history of the specified account.
Transfers funds between two accounts. The user ID and Personal Identification Number (PIN) are authenticated against both accounts.
Withdraws funds from the specified account. A negative amount cannot be withdrawn.
Banking Event Queries
Banking event queries retrieve information about specific activities that occur in the Sample Server as a result of banking service requests. Each occurrence of a banking event is returned only once. The Sample Server uses polling notifications to retrieve these events and to generate notification documents.
The Sample Server supports the following banking event queries:
Event Query
Requests a list of checks that have cleared or bounced since the last time the query was made. These events occur as a result of the Clear Check or Bounce Check services.
Requests a list of accounts that have been overdrawn since the last time the query was made. These events occur as a result of Withdraw or Transfer services that result in a negative account balance.
The Withdraw or Transfer service request is successful if the request had been rejected because the debit exceeded the account's credit limit. In this case, no UnderBalance event is recorded.
The Sample Server client cannot acknowledge the polling message from the receiving side as no protocol support exists. Consequently a document is not published with the same message twice. For example, if a document reports that an account has fallen to -10, no other document is published until the amount changes.
Banking Alerts
Banking alerts are generated when specified events occur on the Sample Server. Unlike banking event queries, banking alerts are generated and delivered in real time to a configured address. The Sample Adapter implements listeners to monitor these addresses and to retrieve the alert data. Listener notifications are then used to distribute the alert information to Integration Server services. There is no queuing mechanism for alerts, so if no listener is ready to retrieve the alert data, it will be lost.
The Sample Server supports the following types of alerts:
Generated for each check that is successfully deposited with the Deposit service.
Generated for each Withdraw or Transfer service that results in a negative account balance. This alert is identical to the UnderBalance banking event, but is delivered as an alert.