Specifying Adapter Service Signature Resource Domains
The resource domain implementation for the signature parameters is a little more complex. The
fieldNamesRD and
fieldTypesRD resource domains are designed to depend on the values of each of the configuration parameters as described in
Specifying Configuration Metadata for
Adapter Service . In the
WmManagedConnection lookup implementation, both
fieldNamesRD and
fieldTypesRD are constructed as "complete" resource domains.
For fieldNamesRD, the tableName and columnName parameter values are used to form a hierarchical signature in which the columnName elements are contained in an aggregate named by the tableName. If the parameter named repeating is set to true, then the tableName aggregate is converted to an array by inserting square brackets ("[]") in the field name.
For fieldTypesRD, a value in the overrideTypes parameter has precedence over a value in columnTypes, and the repeating parameter is used to specify whether the type repeats.