Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Run Time Activities | Run Time Connection Allocation for Adapter Services | Implementing Partitioned Connection Pools
Implementing Partitioned Connection Pools
Extending WmConnectionRequestInfo
Extending WmConnectionSpec
Updating the Connection Factory
In order to support partitioned connection pools in an adapter, the adapter developer must do the following:
*Create a class that defines the partition and extends and implements com.wm.adk.connection.WmConnectionRequestInfo.
*Create a class to hold any required information gathered from an adapter service invocation. This class must extend com.wm.adk.connection.WmConnectionSpec.
*Implement the getConnectionRequestInfo() method in the adapter's WmManagedConnectionFactory implementation
*Implement the getConnectionSpec() method in the adapter's WmAdapterService implementation.
To demonstrate an implementation, we will use the fictional MegaBank corporation. MegaBank is an aggressive company, regularly acquiring and absorbing the customer base of smaller banks. A customer acquired in this way is assigned a new MegaBank user name with which he can access his accounts as well as other services provided by the larger bank. Since MegaBank has adapters for most major banking systems, it is able to seamlessly integrate the new bank's system very quickly, by mapping the customer's new MegaBank user name with login information already present in the acquired bank's system. Using partitioned pools, connections are established using authentication information already known to the backend.