Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Polling Notifications | Overview
Implementing Polling Notifications
A polling notification is a facility that enables an adapter to initiate activity on webMethods Integration Server, based on events that occur in the adapter resource. A polling notification monitors an adapter resource for changes (such as an insert, update, or delete operation) so that the appropriate flow or Java services can react to the data, such as sending an invoice or publishing an invoice to Integration Server.
Adapter users create a polling notification node using Software AG Designer. They assign to the notification an adapter connection node that they created earlier. At the same time, Designer creates a document type node that describes the data generated by the polling notification when it executes. The notification publishes this document and sends it to Integration Server. For more information on Integration Server publishable documents, see the Publish-Subscribe Developer’s Guide for your release.
If you are using Integration Server 8.0 SP1 or earlier, a polling notification cannot use a connection that is also used for an adapter listener.
To process a document associated with the notification, adapter users can use an Integration Server trigger. When Integration Server receives a document, the trigger invokes the flow or Java service registered with the trigger. The service then processes the data contained in the notification's document.
Finally, adapter users must specify notification scheduling parameters that specify the interval at which Integration Server should invoke the notification, and then enable the notification. To accomplish these tasks, they use Integration Server Administrator. For instructions on creating and using polling notification nodes, see Polling Notification Nodes.