Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Installing, Upgrading, and Uninstalling the Adapter Development Kit | Installing Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | Install Adapter Development Kit 6.5
Install Adapter Development Kit 6.5
*To install Adapter Development Kit 6.5
1. Start the Installer wizard.
*Choose the webMethods release that includes the Integration Server on which to install the Adapter Development Kit. For example, if you want to install the Adapter Development Kit on Integration Server 9.0, choose the 9.0 release.
*If you are installing on an existing Integration Server, specify the webMethods installation directory that contains the host Integration Server. If you are installing both the host Integration Server and the Adapter Development Kit, specify the installation directory to use. Installer will install the components of the Adapter Development Kit in the Integration Server_directory as follows:
webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Guide
Integration Server_directory \doc\adk directory
Adapter Development Kit API Reference (Javadocs)
Integration Server_directory \doc\api\adk directory
Sample Adapter (WmSampleAdapter package) and Sample Server for use with the Sample Adapter.
Integration Server_directory \packages directory
*In the product selection list, select Adapters > webMethods Adapter Development Kit 6.5.
2. To install documentation for Adapter Development Kit, on the Documentation panel in Installer, select Adapter Readmes and Documentation. Alternatively, you can download the adapter documentation at a later time from the Software AG Documentation Web site.
3. After installation is complete, start the host Integration Server.