Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Design-Time Tasks | Listener Notification Nodes | Configuring Listener Nodes
Configuring Listener Nodes
Perform the following procedure to configure a listener node. You can use Designer to configure adapter service nodes.
*To configure a listener node
1. On the Integration Server Administrator > Adapters screen, select your adapter.
2. Click Listeners.
3. On the Listener screen, click Configure New Listener.
4. On the Listener Types screen, select the appropriate listener type defined for the adapter.
5. Complete the Configure Listener Type > adapter_name section as follows:
Select a namespace node package in which to create the listener.
Folder Name
Assign a name to the folder in which you will create the listener.
Listener Name
Assign a name to the listener node.
Connection Name
Select a connection node.
If you are using the adapter with Integration Server 8.0 SP1 or earlier, you must use separate connections for listeners and adapter services as well as listeners and polling notifications.
Retry Limit
The number of times that the system should attempt to start the listener if the initial attempt fails. Specifically, it specifies how many times to retry the listenerStartup method before issuing an AdapterConnectionException. When the value is set to 0, the system makes a single attempt. The default value is 5.
Retry Backoff Timeout
The number of seconds the system should wait between each attempt to start the listener. This field is irrelevant if the value of Retry Limit is 0. The default value is 10.
6. Click Save Listener.
Enabling the listener before you configure and enable its corresponding listener notification node produces a warning.
A listener instance holds the connection it retrieves during listener initialization for the lifetime of the listener instance. Disabling the connection node will not impact the connection already held by the listener, but it will prevent the listener from starting or restarting in the event of an AdapterConnectionException.