Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Design-Time Tasks | Overview
At design time, adapter users will configure and initialize the following run-time components of the adapter:
*Namespace node packages. Management tasks include:
*Setting package dependencies for namespace node packages (see Package Dependency Considerations for Namespace Node Packages).
*Setting package dependencies for namespace nodes (see Package Dependency Considerations for Namespace Nodes).
*Using access control lists (ACLs) to control which development group has access to which adapter services (see Group Access Control).
* Enabling and Disabling Packages).
* Loading, Reloading, and Unloading Packages).
*Connection nodes (see Configuring Connection Nodes).
*Adapter service nodes (see Configuring Adapter Service Nodes).
*Polling notification nodes (see Polling Notification Nodes).
*Listener nodes and listener notification nodes (see Listener Notification Nodes).
To perform these tasks, adapter users will use webMethods Integration Server, Software AG Designer, and a web browser.
You must have Integration Server administrator privileges to access an adapter's management screen. For information about setting user privileges, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for your release.