Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Connections | Connection Class Interactions | Disabling Connection Nodes
Disabling Connection Nodes
Disabling a connection node causes the connection manager to release all connections in the connection pool, and to reject any further requests for connections from that node. The connection manager destroys connections that are currently being used by an adapter service or notification when the current invocation of the adapter service or notification is completed. To see how a connection is released, see the figure in Releasing Connections.
A listener instance holds the connection it retrieves during listener initialization for the lifetime of the listener instance. Disabling the connection node will not impact this connection already held by the listener, but it will prevent the listener from starting or restarting in the event of an AdapterConnectionException. For more information, see Listener and Listener Notification Interactions.