Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Connections | Overview | Connection Factories
Connection Factories
Connection Management Properties
The ADK's adapter connection model uses a factory method pattern in which a connection factory object is responsible for creating connection objects. In many cases, both the factory and its connections will wrap comparable functionality provided in the resource's libraries. For example, an adapter connection factory may wrap a data source class provided by a database vendor, from which it creates database connections and wraps them in an adapter connection object produced by the factory.
Each connection factory in an adapter implementation constitutes a connection type on the adapter's administrative interface. You can define one or more connection types for an adapter. If you need a different set of configuration parameters, create another connection type. For example, if you have a kind of request that requires special security requirements, create a separate connection type for it.
A connection factory is also responsible for defining implementation-specific parameters and for making them available to the connection. The adapter uses these parameters at design time, when adapter users create connection namespace nodes. For example, note the following connection type configuration window of the Sample Adapter.
The Configure Connection Type window of the Sample Adapter