Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Connections | Creating a WmManagedConnectionFactory Implementation Class | webMethods Metadata Parameters | Metadata Parameter get Accessor Methods
Metadata Parameter get Accessor Methods
A metadata parameter may have a corresponding "get" accessor method (following the same naming convention) that returns the same data type as the argument of the "set" method. The adapter uses these "get" methods only to retrieve default parameter values when creating a new connection.
Creating a "get" method with a different data type than its corresponding "set" method results in an error. In addition, creating a "get" method without a "set" method will produce a parameter whose values are unusable.
All namespace nodes store parameter settings based on the parameter name. If you delete or change the name of your accessor methods, the parameter names stored in the namespace nodes associated with that class will no longer be valid. From that point forward, any use of that node (at design time or at run time) will fail. If you no longer need a metadata parameter after upgrading a deployed adapter, hide the parameter (using WmDescriptor.setHidden) instead of deleting it.