Adapter Development Kit 6.5 | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Documentation | webMethods Adapter Development Kit Installation and User’s Documentation | Using the Sample Adapter | Phase 5: Adding Listener Notifications | Configuring and Testing the Listener and the Listener Notification Nodes | Testing the checkDepositListener Notification Node
Testing the checkDepositListener Notification Node
Perform the following procedure to test the checkDepositListener notification node.
*To test the checkDepositListener notification node
1. In Designer, invoke the Deposit adapter service that you configured in Configuring the Deposit Adapter Service Node to produce a check deposit event as follows:
a. Start Designer.
b. Click the deposit service in the services folder to add a record to the Sample Server.
c. Select Run > Run.
d. Specify values in the fields as follows:
User ID
Click OK.
e. Specify values for the fields of the Add Row screen as follows.
Deposit To Account
Deposit Amount
Check Number
Click OK.
The data you entered is displayed in the Results tab.
2. Search the checkDepositListener.log file in the Integration Server_directory \pipeline directory for the check deposit notification message. (This is the file you specified as the value of the fileName parameter in Creating the Flow Service for the checkDepositListener Notification Node.)
The adapter's code uses the savePipelineToFile service to save the notification event to a file. A new notification event of the same type will overwrite the contents of the corresponding log file.